Author: Jaya Gupta

She is a registered nutritionist in Windsor, Ontario and is serving people across the globe with her expert diet and exercise advices. She studied the Master of Human Nutrition from Jiwaji university Gwalior and become certified Holistic Nutritionist from Canadian school of Natural Nutrition. Consultation is available online and in-person.

Categories Fitness

Nutflit and Heart Health: How Nutflit Can Benefit Your Cardiovascular System

Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for general wellbeing because heart disease is one of the major causes of death worldwide. The enormous variety of dietary alternatives might be confusing, even though diet plays a crucial influence in heart health. Fortunately, nutflit, a tasty and healthy nut butter, has a number of advantages for heart health.

Almonds, cashews, or peanuts that have been roasted are ground into a spreadable paste to create Nutflit. It is a great addition to a heart-healthy diet because it is strong in protein, good fats, and fibre. The following are some ways that nutflit can improve your heart health:

1. NutfLit can assist in reducing cholesterol levels.

The risk of heart disease can be raised by having high levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. Consuming nuts, such as nutflit, can, nevertheless, help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are abundant in nuts, have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL, or “good” cholesterol levels.

2. Blood pressure can be raised by nutflit

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, however nutflit may help lower blood pressure levels in your diet. Magnesium, a mineral that has been demonstrated to help control blood pressure levels, is abundant in nutflit.

3. Inflammation can be reduced with nutflit

Heart disease is known to be influenced by inflammation, so eating foods with anti-inflammatory qualities, like nutflit, may help lower the risk. Vitamin E, an antioxidant found in nuttlit, has been demonstrated to lessen inflammation in the body.

4. Nutflit may help people lose weight

Although being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease, nutflit may support your efforts to lose weight. Because of its high protein and fibre content, Nutflit can help you feel full and satisfied for longer, lowering your risk of overeating. Furthermore, the beneficial fats in nutflit can speed up metabolism and encourage fat burning.

5. Nutflit can supply energy for physical activity.

Exercise is crucial for preserving heart health, and nutflit can be a beneficial source of energy before or after a workout. Protein and good fats found in nuts can nourish the body and speed up muscle repair.

In conclusion, nutflit is a delectable and practical snack that has a number of advantages for heart health. Combining nutflit with other heart-healthy items in your diet will help lower your chance of developing heart disease and enhance your general wellbeing.

Spread nutflit over toast, add it to smoothies or muesli, or otherwise incorporate it into your diet. Nutflit is heavy in calories, thus it’s important to remember to eat it in moderation. To avoid consuming too much, limit yourself to one to two tablespoons per serving.

Categories Health

The Importance of Maintaining Good Health: A Comprehensive Guide

For one to lead a happy, successful, and meaningful life, good health is essential. It is challenging to accomplish goals, both personal and professional, without excellent health. This essay will discuss the value of keeping good health and offer helpful guidance for reaching and preserving it.

Introduction: What is Good Health?

  • It is crucial to comprehend what well health entails before delving further into its significance. A condition of total physical, mental, and social well-being, rather than just the absence of illness or disability, is considered to be in good health. It entails having the vigour and energy to go about our daily lives, as well as a positive mindset and the capacity to adjust to obstacles and changes that may arise.

The Benefits of Good Health

There are many benefits of maintaining good health, including:

Physical Benefits

  • Reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Strengthening bones and muscles.
  • Improving sleep quality.
  • Boosting energy levels and productivity.

Mental Benefits

  • Reducing the risk of depression and anxiety.
  • Improving memory and cognitive function.
  • Enhancing mood and overall well-being.
  • Managing stress and building resilience.
  • Boosting self-esteem and confidence.

Social Benefits

  • Improving social connections and relationships.
  • Enhancing communication skills.
  • Increasing participation in social activities.
  • Reducing social isolation.

Tips for Maintaining Good Health

  • Now that we understand the benefits of good health let’s explore some practical tips for achieving and maintaining it.

Exercise Regularly

  • It’s crucial to be active to keep your health in good shape. It lowers the risk of chronic diseases, strengthens bones, muscles, and joints, and enhances general health. Plan to engage in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming.

Eat a Balanced Diet

  • Maintaining excellent health requires eating a nutritious, balanced diet. It offers the vital vitamins and nutrients our bodies require to operate properly. To achieve this, focus on eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Get Enough Sleep

  • For both our physical and emotional health, sleep is crucial. To feel rejuvenated and motivated, aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Manage Stress

  • Stress is a natural part of life, but too much stress can result in long-term health issues like depression, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Use stress-reduction strategies like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Maintain Good Hygiene

  • Maintaining good health requires practising proper hygiene practises, such as taking regular showers, brushing teeth twice a day, and regularly washing hands.

Avoid Harmful Habits

  • Use of drugs, excessive alcohol use, and smoking can all have negative effects on health. To keep your health, avoid these bad practises.

Regular Check-Ups

  • Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help detect and prevent health problems before they become severe.


  • Maintaining good health is essential for living a happy, successful, and fulfilling life. By following the tips and advice provided in this article, you can achieve and maintain good health and reap the many benefits it provides.
Categories Health

Healthy Food: The Key to a Healthy Life

Do you wish to live a healthy lifestyle? Your diet is the key to living a healthy life. Consuming wholesome foods can increase energy levels, avoid chronic diseases, and help you stay at a healthy weight. We’ll talk about the value of nutritious eating and how it can improve your general health in this article.


In this section, we will provide an overview of healthy food, what it is, and why it is important.

What is Healthy Food?

Food that is nutrient-rich and gives your body the required vitamins, minerals, and nutrients is referred to as healthy food. Healthy cuisine is devoid of artificial additives, excessive sugars, and unhealthy fats that can be detrimental to your health.

Why is Healthy Food Important?

For sustaining excellent health and preventing chronic diseases, healthy food is crucial. You can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and several types of cancer by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Benefits of Eating Healthy Food

In this section, we will discuss the benefits of eating healthy food.

Weight Management

You can keep your weight in check by eating healthful foods. Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains might increase satiety, decrease hunger, and lower daily calorie intake.

Boosts Energy

Your energy levels can be raised by eating healthy foods, which can help you feel more alert and focused. Consuming a diet high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables gives your body the nutrition it needs to operate at its peak performance.

Reduces Chronic Diseases

Your chance of developing chronic illnesses including heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer can be lowered by eating healthy foods. A lower risk of chronic diseases is linked to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

What Foods Should You Eat?

In this section, we will discuss the types of food that you should include in your diet.

Fruits and Vegetables

Essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre can be found in plenty in fruits and vegetables. Eat five servings or more of fruits and vegetables each day.

Whole Grains

A good amount of fibre is found in whole grains, which can make you feel full and curb your appetite. Brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain bread are a few examples of whole grains.

Lean Protein

Building and repairing bodily tissues require lean protein. Lean proteins include things like fish, poultry, and tofu.

Healthy Fats

For the brain to operate and for the body to experience less inflammation, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids are crucial. Among the good fats include nuts, seeds, and seafood.


For sustaining excellent health and preventing chronic diseases, healthy food is crucial. Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can improve your energy levels, help you maintain a healthy weight, and lower your chance of developing chronic diseases.

Categories Advice, Fitness

How to Stay Fit During Covid?


The covid virus has turned the entire world upside down, testing the limits of the healthcare system and straining the world population in general. However, the battle against the highly contagious virus is yet to end. With France entering the fourth wave and a large fraction of countries worldwide dealing with the third wave, living a healthy life has become pivotal for every person.

Developing a solid immunity is something that everyone is focused on; however, interestingly, covid fatigue can take its toll on many and entice them to break their healthy habits.

Reminding yourself that your efforts to stay fit will pay you, in the long run, will motivate you to take the right course of action. Below we are listing five simple hacks you can easily integrate into your daily lifestyle and improve your health with every day.

1. Don’t Break Your Routine –

Before the epidemic started, you had to devote a fixed number of hours to work. After you returned home, you had the luxury to spend all the time you had with family and friends. At the moment, covid restrictions are eased in most of the provinces though large gatherings are still prohibited. Despite that, a significant workforce is following the WFH schedule.

For any individual who isn’t self-disciplined or has no one to hold him accountable, falling into the procrastination trap is easy.

Your body has an internal clock, also called circadian rhythm, which maintains countless processes inside you. Disturbing its flow with untimely eating and sleep might make you feel uneasy. Needless to say, you should maintain the same level of physical activities and eat your meals on time along with taking a proper 7-8 hours’ sleep to minimize stress levels.

2. Keep a check on Cholesterol levels –

Covid increases the risk of heart diseases as it can cause damage to your blood vessels. If you are suffering from heart problems, you need to take extra measures as the third wave has seen an increase in heart-related complaints. Maintaining a lower level of cholesterol reduces heart risks. This includes eliminating saturated carbohydrates from your diet. Good sleep is essential for giving your heart enough rest. It also keeps your hormones in check.

3. Assess your Mental Health –

Staying at home for extended periods and lack of social interactions with the covid stress has pushed many of you to your physiological limits. As per the Sunlife survey, 60 % of Canadians experienced some form of mental issues during the period.

Undergoing bounds of stress or depression alone is unhealthy. With the increasing responsibilities of family members staying at home, mothers can feel strained. On the other hand, the condition is worst for people who have lost their employment. If you are struggling with unpleasant thoughts, talk to someone. Better take therapy.

4. Pursue a Hobby –

You can add a new dimension to your life by taking up a hobby you were interested in but couldn’t practice because of a lack of time or other resources. It will make your life meaningful and provide you with the chance to see yourself in a new light. Instead of going for fads, choose something you deeply care for.

5. Plan your Meal –

With the lockdown lifted in most parts of the country, you are free to shop your groceries on a weekly basis rather than hoarding them for the entire month. When you plan your meal in advance, you know what you’ll need and can keep your stores full of it. Create a list of nutrient-dense foods like whole grain, eggs, beans, walnuts, sardines, mackerel, tofu, oats, beans, flax seeds, avocado, berries, nuts, etc. In addition, buying fresh produce like capsicum, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, broccoli, oranges, and papaya will allow you to replenish your nutrient reserves from time to time.


There is no denying that taking care of your health offers you a better lifestyle and keeps your body fit. We are living in a time when covid has increased the stress over us. The five hacks above will help you maintain steady and better health in the long run.

Categories Fitness, Advice

Five Hacks to Stay Fit When You Work From Home


Even before the Covid virus has shaken the world and made work from home the new normal, 56.7 million Americans were offering freelance service from the comfort of their sofa.

The freakish virus exploded in number, with 47 % of the citizens engaging in their work-life at home. Lack of social interactions and movement instantly showed its impact, with depression and obesity becoming two of the most widespread health concerns for people worldwide.

Now that the virus has finally made an escape, your life is drifting back to the previous phase, isn’t it?

As you have the freedom to go outside, it is the right time to unburden yourself and up your physical and mental health. Below are five effective hacks which might sound simple but will make your WFH schedule more fulfilling and easy!

1. Start Your Morning with a Body Stretch –

Nothing is better than waking your muscles with gentle stretches that prepare them to take all the beating of the day. If you are someone who has to sit for long hours, your hip flexors and gluteus are prone to become stiff by the end of the day.

When you do not flex these muscles before the day begins, it puts strain on your lower body, causing pain and soreness. A full-body stretch routine also improves blood circulation and oxygen levels in your body. If you prefer exercising first thing in the morning, stretching will act as a catalyst in your workout. In addition, it will make your fitness routine smooth.

2. Ergonomic Sitting Space –

Incorrect body posture can affect your alignment and cause long-term damage to your muscles and bones. People who follow a sedentary lifestyle might suffer back issues if they don’t have a chair or workstation that helps them to sit erect.

Replacing your chair with a yoga ball for short periods is effective in relieving back pain as it forces you to sit straight.

Another solution for posture correction is an adjustable desk. It allows you to work in both seated and standing positions.

Being seated for prolonged periods increases the risk of suffering metabolic syndrome; therefore, you must take a five-minute break every 30 minutes. This ensures the same muscle groups aren’t strained for extended periods.

3. Maintain a Schedule –

When you have the whole day to yourself or no one to hold you accountable, losing track of time in trivial tasks becomes commonplace. You might drift into a routine of letting the distractions take the best of you.

But, with the simple tricks, you can make a transition to a more disciplined life!

Treat your work like a day job and see the difference. You will not only get things done on time but also have the luxury of spending quality time with your loved one or pursuing your beloved hobbies!

Let the basic human psychology principles help you. Have a separate workspace, and don’t conduct your home errands there. Dress up for your work as you would instead of sitting in your cosy PJ’s! Sounds bizarre? We know! The truth is it tricks your brain to enter into work mode.

4. Boosting Your Mental Health –

Performing a vigorous workout session of 30 minutes or longer, releases endorphins in your bloodstream. So, it is no brainer why you feel pumped up after coming out of the gym.

However, with so many stressors competing for your attention and limited social life, your thoughts can become intertwined.

As much as positive thinking is essential, so is having an emotional outlet to release the pent-up unpleasant emotions. Giving yourself the time to assess your state of mind, observing negative thoughts if you experience any are two essential steps to maintain sound mental health.

It is equivalent to de-cluttering your mind. Can’t find focus? Try guided meditation and take on a new rejuvenating journey. Does indulging your spiritual self-calm your mind and bring you peace? Go on and try mantra chanting.

5. Make Healthy Eating a Priority –

You might feel tempted to skip eating when you don’t have a fixed time for your meals and tea breaks. Snacking on carb-rich processed food becomes a quick fix for preparing an elaborate meal which takes planning and time.

Fighting obesity isn’t challenging when you prioritize nutritious food. Though it feels like a task, cooking can be fun and quick when done strategically.

Preparing your dressing in advance, having fruits and yoghurt in your refrigerator to turn them into smoothies and dough ready for baking will stop you from reaching for junk.


Needless to say, WFH requires spending a significant amount of time at home. However, it shouldn’t stop you from living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Simple stress management techniques like having to-do lists and planning your meals can ease the mental burden.